Oct 21, 2022

Your car’s ignition coil is a crucial component in its ignition system, as it converts the relatively small amount of power that your battery creates into a charge big enough to fire the cylinders of your engine. Because of its crucial position in your car’s ignition system, a faulty ignition coil can cause various problems in your car. Here’s a quick list of a few different signs that might point to trouble brewing in your car’s ignition coils. Read on to find out more!



5 Signs of a Defective Ignition Coil

1.    A Loss of Power While DrivingClose Up of Mechanic | Frederick, MD

One of the first (and most dramatic) signs of a failing ignition coil is a sudden loss of power while driving your vehicle. You may experience this as your car feeling slower than usual when you put the pedal down or a sudden, jarring loss of acceleration. This is a definite sign that you should get your vehicle’s ignition coils checked out!


2.    Hard Starts and a Stalling Car

Ignition coils that are worn can prevent your vehicle from starting correctly when you try to turn it on, making it difficult to start the engine when you need to. This could also result in your vehicle stalling and turning off when you come to a stop. Definitely not an ideal thing to have to happen at rush hour!


3.    Diminished Fuel Economy

If your ignition system is not functioning effectively, you’re going to notice that your vehicle’s fuel economy will start to worsen. If you’re noticing that your fuel economy is suddenly significantly worse than it has been, it’s a good idea to have that checked out by a mechanic.


4.    A Backfiring Engine

When your ignition coils are faulty, it can result in unused fuel ending up in the combustion cylinders. When that unused fuel explodes, it creates a loud “bang,” known as a backfire. A consistently backfiring engine can damage your vehicle’s combustion system, so best get this looked into!


5.    A Misfiring Engine

Misfiring engines can be pretty alarming when you’re not expecting them! A misfiring engine means that your cylinders are not firing correctly (or at all) when you accelerate, which can result in your vehicle losing power and permanent damage to your catalytic converter.


As you can see, a failing ignition coil can cause a multitude of frustrating and potentially dangerous symptoms in your car. If left unchecked, it can also lead to expensive damage to your engine and catalytic converter. If you’re experiencing any of these signs or just want a routine inspection to ensure things are as they should be, come on and see our service team at DARCARS Used Car & Service Center of Frederick today!